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Official Battleships Crossfire League  FAQ
Last reload of the League: Thursday 01st 2012f November 2012 05:54:41 PM
3127 different players are ranked & spoofchecked on the bot(s): battle-ships.
6510 / 6510 games have been added to the scores. 2250(rescan: 602) / 3127 players have been scanned for clan-memberships. 648 players have been banned.

Archive:    Season 1    Season 2    Season 3    Season 4    Season 5    Season 6    Season 7    Season 8    Season July 2012    |Season August-October 2012|    Season November-December 2012    Season January-April 2013    Season May 2013 - Februar 2014
Season August-October 2012: |Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012| (Clans)      No Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012 (Clans)      FFA closed on 1.11.2012 (Clans)      
Back to Current-League
Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012
Search player:
PlayerGamesWinnerDrawerLoserLeaverKillsDeathsKill / Death ratioAssistsTraderKicksCreepsDodosLootGametimeScores
176hero_f11603280491.633911323435806258710h 18m-49.31
177sagas161023157511.12711110381905604312h 50m413.25
178cmbyuy32001723.59110073403578702h 01m22.98
179i_dontwant_die6501042133.23391090109106236905h 10m330.87
180kimmybaerchen271207879401.98941090579909717821h 23m432.59
181qrtz155671068103552821.2670610820660973220056139h 17m1200.83
1820saint0 (Clan BSM)20417837810.4634104624400-872413h 32m-317.07
183rushing.sniper39191136108921.171901036972107402230h 26m636.75
184bagadonutss11227501130420.71571010274601246106h 16m275.19
185bkvg310020600990002101602h 37m-49.76
186suckinchaos8543520173501941.8406996024409030053764h 31m847.02
187artisresistance251208550780.6473991964880364719h 23m206.27
188karnak8312229261.1227994162702476605h 32m-18.69
189butcher.baer (Clan iGB)41178133142682.0919698810476015632135h 16m518.87
190acristoph2002001600983260981101h 39m-21.16
191weichei2209634231533341582.11535951823785041273453h 28m1364.10
192from.omega11971334115993031.986279398313320484010104h 28m1161.26
193thunderkingch763373332391941.2335593121810014377963h 15m1014.71
194palin4prez08520125270.1949306190978404h 09m35.34
195smiling.baer (Clan iGB)17537242271.5636921249203903412h 41m-5.64
196yuirtk6400219181.0628920186103321005h 03m223.43
197kelzagan110000900910001372700h 58m114.74
198jksuyiu420021371.862391097903118702h 29m1.96
199dark.king221305476741.031039011188505973019h 56m273.02
200rust27213213320.09109016630-549712h 17m-1105.40

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The current season will automatically end and start a new Season on the 1. day of the 10. month at 0:00 UTC+1 (game end time decides).
Please use the Reconnect Tool by Varlock to avoid disconnects. It allows you to reconnect to any game where the connection has been interrupted within 2 minutes!
You can report any abuse, cheating or bugs in the league here.
The basic value is 0 points for the first game. This is modified up or downwards with the following values after each game:
(lost_team_scores/won_team_scores) x (Kills + loot/3000 + Traderscores/4 + Assists/4 + Draw x 0 + Win x 50 - Lose x 20 - Deaths - Leave x 50 - Kickcounter x 10)- Leave x 8
In FFA this is without the teamscores modification. So if a team with low ranked players wins against a team with high ranked players it can get 300% while it only risks to lose 10% of the points. If all players are unranked/not spoofchecked both teams get 100%. Only players with more then -500 points count for teamscores. You only have to spoofcheck once per IP-Block.
Leaves count only as leaves if the mainharbour of the leaver is alive at the moment of the leave and if the leavereason is "has left the game voluntarily", "lagged out (dropped by vote)", "has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET)" or "was automatically dropped after 60 seconds". Other ways out of the game do not count as leave but count as games and (should) count for the stayrate. If you got an instable internet connection then use the reconnect tool.
*Minimum values for each average teamscores is 3. Only teammates with more then -500 points count for the average teamscores. Minimum Result for teamA_scores/teamB_scores is 5, maximum is 75. TeamB is the winning team.

Autoban automatically bans if your stayrate is:
  • less then 35% stay in 3 rounds OR
  • less then 50% stay in 5 rounds OR
  • less then 70% stay in 10 rounds.