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Official Battleships Crossfire League  FAQ
Last reload of the League: Thursday 01st 2012f November 2012 05:54:41 PM
3127 different players are ranked & spoofchecked on the bot(s): battle-ships.
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Season August-October 2012: |Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012| (Clans)      No Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012 (Clans)      FFA closed on 1.11.2012 (Clans)      
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Shuffle closed on 1.11.2012

Detailed statistics for noobsneverdie @ useast.battle.net - Player ID: 1838 on battle-ships

Games played (with disconnects): 23
Games counting for this league: 23
Winner: 7
Loser: 10
Drawer: 0
Leaver: 6
Kick-Counter: 10 (0.217 kicks per game, Rank: 203-218)
Points: -182.85 (Rank: 2975)
Kills: 59 (Rank: 329-334)
Deaths: 131 (Rank: 152-153)
Assists: 60 (Rank: 378-382)
Traderscore: 0 (Rank: 423-3127)
Kill / Death ratio: 0.45 (Rank: 1132-1144)
Creepkills: 7439 (Rank: 249)
Dodocounter: 0 (Rank: 39-3127)
Loot: -89199 (Rank: 3111)
Gaming time:
Total: 20h 03m
This week: 00h 00m
Today: 00h 00m
Average load time: 60.6 seconds
Average game time: 52m20s (85% Stay)
Used Ships:
1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>C</span>rusader (<span style=color:#ffcc00>1200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Kamikaze Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Capsize & Net</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>650</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tiny</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A kamikaze ship with a few elfish designs which make it more sturdy and quicker. See that all religious fanatism only leads to hate, violence and death. None but fools believe such unproven contradictory theories.</span>1x <b>Change to a Dr<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>id Ship(<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Summoner</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Call a Nagasnake</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>1700</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Druid Ship which can call the Nagasnake.</span>1x <b>Change to a D<span style=color:#ffcc00>w</span>arfish Ship(<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Fleetship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11,5</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Dwarfenfleet & Dwarfish Zeppelin</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>6</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Dwarfish Ship which can spawn the Dwarfenfleet and a Dwarfish Zeppelin.</span>1x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>F</span>ireship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#FF8040>Fireship</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Flamestrike</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3 x Flamers Cannon (3x5 dmg/s)</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>1700</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Flaming Peter with Flamestrike and 2 Flaming Cannons! Good if you want to flame and be blamed!</span>1x <b>Change to Minela<span style=color:#ffcc00>y</span>er (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Place Goblin Mine, Barrier, Silencer</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A fast, agile ship, equipped with Seamines. An orginal goblin design makes it pretty fast.</span>1x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>T</span>rireme (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Fleetship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Fleet of Athens, Ram, Rowers</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3600</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old attican trireme. From the idea of natural justice and equal rights democracy rised in Attika (Polis of Athens). Despite of the Tribal-democracys this was the first known democracy. The state funcionarys where randomly choosen and nearly everyone worked at lase once in his live a year for the state. But only unslaved male were free...2x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>S</span>hip of the Line (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Cannonboat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Improved Captains Cannon & Abolish Magic</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Cruiser Cannon</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3600</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a ship of the line. Equiped with a private cannon for the captain.</span>3x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>V</span>ikings Revenge (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Bombardier</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Onboard Ballista, Flare</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3200</span><br>Internal weapon systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4 x Rocket Cannon</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old viking warrior is selling ships here.<br>Thanks to Olofmoleman for the great models he made.</span>
2x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>G</span>alleon (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Boardship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Board&Burn Ship, Disrupt Beacon</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5000</span><br>Internal Weapon systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Cruiser Cannon</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A galleon is a large, multi-decked sailing ship. This ship was attacked and boarded by pirates, but the pirateship was damaged during the fight so the crew took this galleon. There are still some grappling hooks on the ship that can be used to board enemy ships.</span>2x <b>Change to a Goblin G<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>nship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#Ffcc00>Poisoner</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Bottle of Acid & Rear Admiral</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Goblin Gunship with an endless storage of bottles filled with acid.</span>1x <b>Change to Troll <span style=color:#ffcc00>D</span>estroyer (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Damageship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Chain Lighning, Waterquake, Counter</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: 3x Cruiser Cannon (3x30 dmg/1,5s)<br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The Troll Destroyer can create area slows by underwater earthquakes and use eels to damage enemys with electricity.1x <b>Change to Double<span style=color:#ffcc00>j</span>ugger (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Summoner</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Launch your Pinnace, Spawn Seamonster, Disrupt Beacon, Advanced Sail Ripper Cannon</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Catapult Cannon</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Noobies Favourite in Big: The Doublejugger! Delivered with summon seamonster, summon fleet, a Disrupt Beacon, a Sail Ripper Cannon and a Catapult Cannon (only vs buildings).1x <b>Change to an <span style=color:#ffcc00>A</span>sian Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Exotic Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Blink Back, Chinese Gun</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can stun nearby enemys, good for close-combat captains with fast fireing weapons. Sadly there are so many dictatorships in asia...2x <b>Buy a <span style=color:#ffcc00>R</span>ainbow Warrior (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Political Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Hide in the Waves, Dinghys, Barrier</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Onboard Weapon Systems: NebularB (60,dmg/0,9s)<br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get one of the ships from the Anti-Whalehunter-fleet.<br>You can find informations about the battles of the fleet of </span><span style=color:#00ee00>Greenpeace</span><span style=color:#33BBBB> fighting to save our oceans on </span><span style=color:#00ee00>www.greenpeace.org</span><span style=color:#33BBBB>.</span>1x <b>Change to Dwarfish Own Construction (<span style=color:#ffcc00>600</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br>Start speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span> kts<br>Max speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> kts<br>Start Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>100</span><br>Max. Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8100</span><br>Max. Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span><br>Max. Internal Repair Crew: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can be added manually</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>You can add abilitys, hitpoints, speed, amor and repair per second manually to your Own Construction by buying the upgrades.</span><br><br><span style=color:#FF1111>DO NOT BUY THIS IF YOU ALREADY GOT AN OWN CONSTRUCTION</span>1x <b>Change to a Ret<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>rned Pirate (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Recaller</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Recall, Shock-Rifle-Counter, EMP</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Mini Soul Stealer (18 dmg, 0.3s cooldown, 1200 Range)</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>18</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Recalls the fleeing fleet.</span>
1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>W</span>alrus (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Seamonster</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tornado, Bite, Remove Summons</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span><br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Amphibian</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An pirate Walrus. An amphibian creature, which can go on land, but can't see over cliffs. Basicaly good in moving, slowing and damaging enemys.

23 games found:
Game IDDate and TimeStayGame NamePoints
248382012-09-06 07:09:3250m56s of 50m56s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #97134.32
248372012-09-06 06:00:1135m17s of 35m25s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #97035.10
248342012-09-06 04:30:3260m35s of 60m57s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #96769.61
248292012-09-06 01:09:1270m32s of 70m51s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #964-57.18
248242012-09-05 23:04:1346m37s of 47m04s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #961-31.79
248222012-09-05 22:07:1041m34s of 41m57s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #958-23.87
247902012-09-05 14:19:4465m25s of 65m46s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #931-15.20
247802012-09-05 10:15:0096m17s of 96m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #921-15.04
247782012-09-05 09:02:2826m07s of 74m38s (35%)BShips CF Shuffle #920-48.92
247772012-09-05 08:41:1207m44s of 81m06s (10%)BShips CF Shuffle #919-37.58
247752012-09-05 06:45:0544m47s of 45m09s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #917-16.13
247732012-09-05 05:57:2204m41s of 21m20s (22%)BShips CF Shuffle #916-75.68
247702012-09-05 04:17:5140m26s of 47m31s (85%)BShips CF Shuffle #912-36.10
247642012-09-05 02:16:3794m45s of 94m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #90523.05
247612012-09-05 00:21:2342m42s of 42m49s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #903-19.82
247572012-09-04 23:12:2297m13s of 97m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #89838.77
247512012-09-04 21:27:5370m33s of 70m33s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #89432.82
247392012-09-04 18:47:0272m27s of 72m27s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #886-14.99
247062012-09-04 08:32:3864m28s of 64m28s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #862-5.32
247042012-09-04 07:12:2441m17s of 41m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #861-22.80
246542012-09-03 17:41:3070m36s of 70m36s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #82679.95
245402012-09-02 08:15:3316m55s of 70m21s (24%)BShips CF Shuffle #747-39.11
245092012-09-01 23:07:3641m58s of 59m52s (70%)BShips CF Shuffle #721-36.94
Players in the IP-cluster of this player: noobsneverdie (useast.battle.net),