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Official Battleships Crossfire League  FAQ
Last reload of the League: Thursday 02nd 2012f February 2012 04:30:50 AM
497 different players are ranked & spoofchecked on the bot(s): nopasaran.de.
7755 / 7755 games have been added to the scores. 493(rescan: 351) / 497 players have been scanned for clan-memberships. 936 players have been banned.

Archive:    Season 1    Season 2    Season 3    Season 4    Season 5    Season 6    |Season 7|    Season 8    Season July 2012    Season August-October 2012    Season November-December 2012    Season January-April 2013    Season May 2013 - Februar 2014
Season 7: |Shuffle-League (closed 19.02.2012)| (Clans)      Team-League (closed 19.02.2012) (Clans)      Qualify-Table (all seasons) (closed 19.02.2012) (Clans)      
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Shuffle-League (closed 19.02.2012)
Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/virtual/wc3bs.com/htdocs/league.php on line 618 Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/virtual/wc3bs.com/htdocs/league.php on line 619

Detailed statistics for neb @ europe.battle.net - Player ID: 55 on nopasaran.de

Games played (with disconnects): 11
Games counting for this league: 6
Winner: 3
Loser: 1
Drawer: 1
Leaver: 1
Kick-Counter: 0 (Rank: 143-497)
Points: 52.64 (Rank: 84)
Kills: 24 (Rank: 151)
Deaths: 19 (Rank: 204-208)
Assists: 25 (Rank: 146-149)
Traderscore: 0 (Rank: 17-497)
Kill / Death ratio: 1.26 (Rank: 96)
Creepkills: 2111 (Rank: 154)
Dodocounter: 0 (Rank: 1-497)
Loot: (Rank: 1-497)
Gaming time:
Total: 10h 53m
This week: 00h 00m
Today: 00h 00m
Average load time: 34 seconds
Average game time: 59m27s (99% Stay)
Used Ships:
1x <b>Change to S<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>pport Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>1200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Repair allied ships, Healspray</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>750</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tiny</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship desinged to repair allied ships.</span>3x <b>Change to the Bar<span style=color:#ffcc00>q</span>ue (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Exotic Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Torrent, X marks the spot</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship can cause a Geyser and send ships back to the X.

6 games found:
Game IDDate and TimeStayGame NamePoints
654022012-01-11 21:44:4377m22s of 77m38s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #523.85
630152011-12-06 20:11:2709m51s of 10m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #53-1.00
630142011-12-06 19:56:5724m02s of 24m02s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #5126.59
612322011-10-21 15:06:2685m35s of 85m58s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #84-4.88
611392011-10-18 21:31:3289m07s of 89m07s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #4531.07
610192011-10-15 18:58:5932m51s of 35m43s (92%)BShips CF Shuffle-League #16-23.00
Players in the IP-cluster of this player: r.a.t-5 (), r.a.t-5 (europe.battle.net), r.a.t-4 (europe.battle.net), r.a.t-3 (europe.battle.net), r.a.t-3 (), r.a.t-2 (europe.battle.net), r.a.t-7 (europe.battle.net), r.a.t-1 (europe.battle.net), ratmadrepair (europe.battle.net), ratbadrepair (europe.battle.net), nebx7 (europe.battle.net), nebx8 (europe.battle.net), jordanisnoob (europe.battle.net), nebx4 (europe.battle.net), the0nly0ne (europe.battle.net), terrorbirds (europe.battle.net), terrorbird (europe.battle.net), g0fyourself (europe.battle.net), u.throw.beer (europe.battle.net), i.seedeadpeople (europe.battle.net), madguy (uswest.battle.net), cookpoo (europe.battle.net), nebx3 (europe.battle.net), nebx2 (europe.battle.net), nebx5 (europe.battle.net), nebx1 (europe.battle.net), enneb (europe.battle.net), dubblescrubdub (europe.battle.net), 13astard (), bastard (), plok_epic (europe.battle.net), rainbowpink (europe.battle.net), dresstokill (), open (), pr3sstokill (europe.battle.net), 13s noob (), realname (), open (), say_no_to_war (), closed (), empire spawn (), r3tarded (europe.battle.net), press to kill (), presstokillbleh (europe.battle.net), presstokill (europe.battle.net), bships_cf_2230 (europe.battle.net), jordan_sucks (europe.battle.net), plok_fail (europe.battle.net), plok_plant (europe.battle.net), mind_bastard (europe.battle.net), jordanmaphack (europe.battle.net), dp_epicfail (europe.battle.net), ir_epic (europe.battle.net), project_funny (europe.battle.net), t3ddywestside (europe.battle.net), but-uhm (europe.battle.net), war-master(ct) (europe.battle.net), freaky_fish_guy (europe.battle.net), yeah2 (europe.battle.net), qualify-pizza (europe.battle.net), wikideleaking (europe.battle.net), evilhunter246 (europe.battle.net), theonly0ne (europe.battle.net), 13astard. (europe.battle.net), m1ntb3rrycrunch (europe.battle.net), bakkerpizza (europe.battle.net), masterpizza (europe.battle.net), war-master(nl) (europe.battle.net),