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Official Battleships Crossfire League  FAQ
Last reload of the League: Tuesday 18th 2014f February 2014 06:19:17 PM
9546 different players are ranked & spoofchecked on the bot(s): battle-ships.
11439 / 11439 games have been added to the scores. 2250(rescan: 1) / 9546 players have been scanned for clan-memberships. 1292 players have been banned.

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Season May 2013 - Februar 2014: |Shuffle closed on 18.02.2014| (Clans)      
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Shuffle closed on 18.02.2014

Detailed statistics for volstar @ useast.battle.net - Player ID: 71 on battle-ships

Games played (with disconnects): 412
Games counting for this league: 275
Winner: 90
Loser: 135
Drawer: 23
Leaver: 27
Kick-Counter: 114 (0.207 kicks per game, Rank: 41-42)
Points: 254.22 (Rank: 467)
Kills: 753 (Rank: 103)
Deaths: 694 (Rank: 73)
Assists: 1124 (Rank: 86)
Traderscore: 1430 (Rank: 29)
Kill / Death ratio: 1.09 (Rank: 1540-1551)
Creepkills: 109407 (Rank: 38)
Dodocounter: 0 (Rank: 141-9546)
Loot: 392153 (Rank: 138)
Gaming time:
Total: 330h 43m
This week: 23h 17m
Today: 00h 00m
Average load time: 28 seconds
Average game time: 48m09s (96% Stay)
Used Ships:
6x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>C</span>rusader (<span style=color:#ffcc00>1200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Kamikaze Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Capsize & Net</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>650</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Tiny</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A kamikaze ship with a few elfish designs which make it more sturdy and quicker. See that all religious fanatism only leads to hate, violence and death. None but fools believe such unproven contradictory theories.</span>75x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>S</span>ailor (<span style=color:#ffcc00>200</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Battle Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Captains Cannon</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>200</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>0</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Nautic Nutshell</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Pretty reliable small boat. This is the ship you got at start.</span>78x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>T</span>rader (<span style=color:#ffcc00>500</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Trade Boat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Barrier, Hide, Shadow Replication & Trading</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>75</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>0</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Nautic Nutshell</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship made for trading. Adept at working in secret and breaking enemy lines without trouble.</span><br><span style=color:#ff1111>THIS IS NOT A NORMAL BATTLESHIP! ONLY BUY THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!</span>17x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>M</span>erchant (<span style=color:#ffcc00>2400</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Trade Boat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Barrier, Hide, Shadow Replication & Trading</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>100</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship is made for trading. Adept at working in secret and breaking enemy lines without trouble, also a little faster and better then its other version. Can use <span style=color:#ff1111>-giveall</span>cff33BBBB and</span> <span style=color:#ff1111>-give xyz</span>.<br><span style=color:#ff1111>THIS IS NOT A BATTLESHIP! ONLY BUY THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!</span>1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>A</span>lcoholic Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Smuggler</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Grogginess & Hide</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>6</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Internal Weapon System: Sneaking Torpedo (150 dmg, 4s cooldown, 800 Range, Speed: 23 kts, following-Bullets on)<br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship that disapears in the alcoholic clouds and that can make other captains drunken. If the target of the torpedo is too fast it will hit when the enemy throws out their anchors.</span>1x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>F</span>ireship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#FF8040>Fireship</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Flamestrike</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3 x Flamers Cannon (3x5 dmg/s)</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>1700</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Flaming Peter with Flamestrike and 2 Flaming Cannons! Good if you want to flame and be blamed!</span>1x <b>Change to Puddle S<span style=color:#ffcc00>k</span>ipper (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Torpedo & Send Spy</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>1700</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A fast, agile ship, equipped with high tech explosives.</span>12x <b>Change to Minela<span style=color:#ffcc00>y</span>er (<span style=color:#ffcc00>3000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Place Goblin Mine, Barrier, Silencer</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Small</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A fast, agile ship, equipped with Seamines. An orginal goblin design makes it pretty fast.</span>
10x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>T</span>rireme (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Fleetship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Fleet of Athens, Ram, Rowers</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3600</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old attican trireme. From the idea of natural justice and equal rights democracy rised in Attika (Polis of Athens). Despite of the Tribal-democracys this was the first known democracy. The state funcionarys where randomly choosen and nearly everyone worked at lase once in his live a year for the state. But only unslaved male were free...34x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>C</span>loudship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Windship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>El Niño, Winter Winds</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3600</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A good ship of the wind. El Niño can damage many enemys near you. If an enemy comes too close to you the Winterwinds help you to escape.</span>103x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>V</span>ikings Revenge (<span style=color:#ffcc00>5000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Bombardier</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Onboard Ballista, Flare</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>3200</span><br>Internal weapon systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>4 x Rocket Cannon</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Medium</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>An old viking warrior is selling ships here.<br>Thanks to Olofmoleman for the great models he made.</span>5x <b>Change to a Goblin G<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>nship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#Ffcc00>Poisoner</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Bottle of Acid & Rear Admiral</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5000</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get a Goblin Gunship with an endless storage of bottles filled with acid.</span>42x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>S</span>chooner (<span style=color:#ffcc00>7000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Area Damage</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Triple Orb Explosion, Sail Ripper Cannon, Flare</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5600</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Large</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship desinged to do delayed damage, slow and damage over time to an area. Can also abolish buffs. Good for long-range.</span>4x <b>Change to the <span style=color:#ffcc00>M</span>arauder (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Action Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Shock Rifle, Counter Admiral on Sea</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A ship to keep you busy.12x <b>Change to the St<span style=color:#ffcc00>o</span>rm Wind (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#3333BB>Windship</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Wind Storm, Winter Winds, Counter</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A fast ship; good on slowing enemys.1x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>R</span>ed October (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffff33>Submarine</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>20</span> kts<br>Speed (submerged): <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>2 x Torpedo, Dive, Dive, Dive!, Send Spy</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>5</span><br>Armor (submerged): <span style=color:#33BBBB>20</span> <br><br>Internal Repair Crew: <span style=color:#33BBBB>40</span><br>Internal Repair Crew (submerged): <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship is named after the October Revolution in russia. The Goblins found a way to improve the form of the Submarine to increse its speed, installed a second torpedo bay and made the hull stronger. Can go under water to become invisible, and has a tendency to kill stuff in a sneaky fashion. Has no hitpoint repair but 15 armor while submerged and 25 hitpoint repair per second but only 5 armor while emerged. Can also send a russian Spy.</span><br>
41x <b>Change to an <span style=color:#ffcc00>A</span>sian Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Exotic Class</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Blink Back, Chinese Gun</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can stun nearby enemys, good for close-combat captains with fast fireing weapons. Sadly there are so many dictatorships in asia...3x <b>Change to Advanced Minela<span style=color:#ffcc00>y</span>er (<span style=color:#ffcc00>10000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#ffcc00>Assassin Class</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Minefield, Barricade, Silencer II</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Huge</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>A Minelayer is expecially good against traders. Can also be use as a good counter against the freeze-flame combo because of the Silencer and Barricade.</span>60x <b>Buy a Sea Shep<span style=color:#ffcc00>h</span>erd (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Political Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can Opener, Butyric Acid & Start Helicopter</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get one of the ships from the Anti-Whalehunter-fleet.<br>You can find informations about the battles of the fleet of the </span><span style=color:#3333ff>Sea Shepherd Conservation Society</span><span style=color:#33BBBB> fighting to save our oceans on </span><span style=color:#3333ff>www.seashepherd.org</span><span style=color:#33BBBB>.</span> Also famous from the TV-Series Whale Wars.29x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>S</span>eawaver(<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Watership</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Maelstrom&Breaking Wave</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The Seawaver has big propellers under the waterline. When they are activated, they create strong tides that can lead to the big maelstorm. The wavings and tides in the maelstorm can squelch ships. Good if you have medium or short range wepons.7x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>B</span>attle Royale (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Cannonboat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Advanced Captains Cannon and Send Spy.</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7 x Cruiser Cannon</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>18</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get the old and famous Battle Royale</span>2x <b>Change to <span style=color:#ffcc00>N</span>apalm Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#FF8040>Fireship</span><br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Napalmstrike & Firenet</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Mini Flame Thrower (30 dmg/s), 3 x Flamers Cannon (3 x 5 dmg/s)</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The Napalm Ship can attack with burning Napalm like the US-Army did in Vietnam burning humans to death.2x <b>Change to a <span style=color:#ffcc00>F</span>rozen Ship (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#3333BB>Coldship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Frozen Cannon & Freeze Water</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> <br>Internal Weapon Systems: <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Cold Arrow Cannon</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>This ship is permanently frozen. It can freeze the water around it to damage and stun enemy ships nearby and can attack with the Frozen Cannon to do direct damage and damage over time and to slow the target.4x <b>Buy a <span style=color:#ffcc00>R</span>ainbow Warrior (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Political Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Hide in the Waves, Dinghys, Barrier</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Onboard Weapon Systems: NebularB (60,dmg/0,9s)<br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span><br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Get one of the ships from the Anti-Whalehunter-fleet.<br>You can find informations about the battles of the fleet of </span><span style=color:#00ee00>Greenpeace</span><span style=color:#33BBBB> fighting to save our oceans on </span><span style=color:#00ee00>www.greenpeace.org</span><span style=color:#33BBBB>.</span>
2x <b>Change to The Black <span style=color:#ffcc00>P</span>earl (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Pirate Ship</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>13</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Pirate Crew & Emergency Repair Crew</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>15</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>One of the fastest ships ever to sail the seas.<br>*<span style=color:#FF6666>Nearly Unique</span>*</span>3x <b>Change to Own Construction Turtle (<span style=color:#ffcc00>600</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br>Start speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span> kts<br>Max speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts<br>Start Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>100</span><br>Max. Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>8100</span><br>Max. Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span><br>Max. Internal Repair Crew: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Amphibian</span><br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can be added manually</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>You can add abilitys, hitpoints, speed, amor and repair per second manually to your Own Construction by buying the upgrades.</span><br><br><span style=color:#FF1111>DO NOT BUY THIS IF YOU ALREADY GOT AN OWN CONSTRUCTION</span>1x <b>Change to Own Construction <span style=color:#ffcc00>O</span>tter (<span style=color:#ffcc00>600</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br>Start speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7</span><br>Max speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>14,5</span><br>Start Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>100</span><br>Max. Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>7500</span><br>Max. Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span><br>Max. Internal Repair Crew: <span style=color:#33BBBB>10</span><br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Own Construction</span> <br><span style=color:#33BBBB>Amphibian</span><br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Can be added manually</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>You can add abilitys, hitpoints, speed, amor and repair per second manually to your Own Construction by buying the upgrades. Can walk on land.</span><br><br><span style=color:#FF1111>DO NOT BUY THIS IF YOU ALREADY GOT AN OWN CONSTRUCTION</span>3x <b>Change to Fishing <span style=color:#ffcc00>B</span>oat (<span style=color:#ffcc00>500</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Hunting Boat</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>11,5</span> kts<br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Fishing Rod and Net</span> <br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>225</span> <br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>0</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Nautic Nutshell</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>The Fishing ship. Adept at escaping enemy ships by throwing a net on the rigging of enemy ships and at throwing the rod out to fish without too much trouble.</span>5x <b>Change to a Ret<span style=color:#ffcc00>u</span>rned Pirate (<span style=color:#ffcc00>14000</span>)</b><br><br>

Class: <span style=color:#009900>Recaller</span> <br>Speed: <span style=color:#33BBBB>12</span> kts <br>Abilities: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Recall, Shock-Rifle-Counter, EMP</span><br>Internal Weapon Systems: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Mini Soul Stealer (18 dmg, 0.3s cooldown, 1200 Range)</span><br>Hit Points: <span style=color:#33BBBB>9500</span><br>Armor: <span style=color:#33BBBB>18</span> <br>Size: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Gigantic</span> <br>Description: <span style=color:#33BBBB>Recalls the fleeing fleet.</span>

289 games found:
Game IDDate and TimeStayGame NamePoints
407342013-09-21 15:19:3274m19s of 74m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #569924.56
405922013-09-18 15:22:1995m53s of 96m01s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #5556-13.94
404942013-09-16 15:02:2980m08s of 80m14s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #5459-54.83
404402013-09-15 14:24:0550m15s of 50m35s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #5406-12.71
403902013-09-14 15:21:2026m23s of 52m21s (50%)BShips CF Shuffle #5354-47.53
403292013-09-13 13:45:4865m05s of 65m05s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #5293-60.80
402782013-09-12 13:32:5743m29s of 43m41s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #524338.29
402232013-09-11 14:11:2831m05s of 32m51s (95%)BShips CF Shuffle #51880.01
402182013-09-11 11:49:2623m28s of 23m33s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #51830.54
401292013-09-09 13:55:0551m57s of 52m01s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #509459.19
400772013-09-08 15:48:2593m00s of 93m20s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #503873.27
400102013-09-07 13:56:0962m04s of 62m08s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #497569.48
399612013-09-06 15:13:5551m19s of 51m20s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #4926-83.65
399202013-09-05 17:47:3127m44s of 28m05s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #4886-11.11
399142013-09-05 15:11:2664m53s of 65m54s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #4879-51.00
398282013-09-03 14:02:4468m24s of 68m50s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #4793-11.41
397342013-09-01 13:39:2130m27s of 30m52s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #470035.29
396782013-08-31 14:44:5660m46s of 60m48s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #4642-6.09
395842013-08-29 12:25:1344m07s of 44m32s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #4549-9.89
395372013-08-28 12:58:5545m26s of 45m50s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #4502-12.99
394892013-08-27 13:52:2239m48s of 58m00s (69%)BShips CF Shuffle #4453-114.29
394872013-08-27 12:51:5339m32s of 39m32s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #4452-7.93
394392013-08-26 14:32:2634m35s of 34m35s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #4404-31.94
393332013-08-24 13:10:4160m53s of 61m01s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #429821.14
392762013-08-23 13:07:4860m18s of 60m22s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #4241-28.34
391832013-08-21 14:16:3855m54s of 56m11s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #41476.42
390122013-08-18 13:44:2970m51s of 71m12s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3976-70.83
387292013-08-13 13:27:0154m27s of 54m27s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #36930.00
386792013-08-12 14:27:0971m53s of 71m54s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #364436.03
386322013-08-11 16:20:0948m44s of 49m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #359747.67
385692013-08-10 18:24:0799m31s of 99m37s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3534-5.04
385142013-08-09 13:27:1237m03s of 37m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3479-29.86
383032013-08-05 13:06:1974m43s of 74m58s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3266-52.85
382192013-08-03 16:43:1769m29s of 69m46s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3183-14.45
381782013-08-02 18:51:1271m12s of 71m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3142-14.46
381682013-08-02 13:03:5649m51s of 50m04s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #313372.30
381332013-08-01 18:15:1871m07s of 71m12s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #30986.38
381262013-08-01 13:15:2266m04s of 66m04s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3091-26.82
381112013-08-01 01:12:3679m51s of 79m58s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3075-23.32
380422013-07-30 13:50:4050m30s of 50m30s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #300746.31
380052013-07-29 13:44:5551m50s of 51m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #297032.27
380042013-07-29 13:05:2015m07s of 47m31s (32%)BShips CF Shuffle #2969-38.55
379682013-07-28 16:33:4531m03s of 31m06s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2934116.24
379672013-07-28 15:51:0338m00s of 38m03s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2932-9.55
379462013-07-28 00:13:4172m50s of 72m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #291061.41
379202013-07-27 13:45:1045m41s of 45m42s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #288533.67
378822013-07-26 14:43:4440m48s of 40m52s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2847-6.41
378442013-07-25 12:45:2447m57s of 47m59s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #280925.94
378062013-07-24 13:44:1846m45s of 46m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2771-14.34
377882013-07-23 23:47:4870m14s of 70m39s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #2752-12.39
377752013-07-23 19:09:4382m20s of 82m20s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2737-18.62
377422013-07-22 19:19:5571m50s of 71m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2707-19.28
377322013-07-22 13:14:5242m51s of 42m59s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2697-16.82
376922013-07-21 15:39:5979m51s of 80m03s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #265684.96
376552013-07-20 18:59:4161m38s of 61m41s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #262032.98
376412013-07-20 11:44:0825m05s of 40m51s (61%)BShips CF Shuffle #2606-65.75
376382013-07-20 10:56:0338m15s of 38m16s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2603108.44
376062013-07-19 15:10:4945m29s of 45m37s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #257189.78
376032013-07-19 13:23:1827m46s of 27m58s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #256834.91
375762013-07-18 18:20:2143m34s of 81m46s (53%)BShips CF Shuffle #2539-86.02
375492013-07-17 18:56:0338m41s of 39m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #251446.66
375232013-07-16 23:21:5336m00s of 44m44s (80%)BShips CF Shuffle #2489-70.28
375122013-07-16 18:38:3157m56s of 57m56s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2476-11.74
374582013-07-15 00:32:2524m24s of 24m49s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #2423-7.89
374422013-07-14 18:32:3170m40s of 70m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #240781.69
374382013-07-14 16:08:2231m52s of 31m54s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #240316.83
373992013-07-13 19:39:0444m37s of 44m47s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2364-62.19
373872013-07-13 14:54:0843m04s of 43m17s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #2352-19.82
373612013-07-12 21:55:1740m50s of 41m13s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #2327-29.85
373162013-07-11 17:28:3847m51s of 47m53s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2280-16.73
373132013-07-11 16:38:1302m55s of 03m02s (96%)BShips CF Shuffle #22790.01
372872013-07-10 18:38:0052m35s of 53m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #225274.44
372412013-07-09 00:34:0154m25s of 55m04s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #22050.41
372262013-07-08 19:02:4535m01s of 35m05s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #219292.57
372252013-07-08 18:18:5123m17s of 23m27s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #219058.91
372202013-07-08 14:22:4358m40s of 59m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #218528.81
372022013-07-07 19:02:4726m52s of 26m52s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2168-19.08
371912013-07-07 13:22:1147m59s of 47m59s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #215651.19
371832013-07-07 02:28:2566m02s of 66m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2148-20.65
371712013-07-06 21:29:1247m47s of 49m30s (97%)BShips CF Shuffle #2137-81.80
371622013-07-06 15:07:0430m30s of 30m55s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #212749.64
371312013-07-05 15:17:4064m13s of 80m34s (80%)BShips CF Shuffle #20964.19
370962013-07-04 14:08:3747m31s of 47m31s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2061-34.20
370952013-07-04 13:03:3830m21s of 30m32s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #2060-20.95
370432013-07-02 22:59:4608m36s of 08m48s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #20090.01
370352013-07-02 18:44:3471m48s of 71m55s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2000-9.43
370282013-07-02 12:58:2169m58s of 71m01s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #19930.98
370232013-07-02 02:06:5153m01s of 53m10s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #198893.66
370062013-07-01 18:44:5738m23s of 38m49s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1972-30.33
369942013-07-01 00:56:2063m23s of 72m59s (87%)BShips CF Shuffle #1959-84.55
369772013-06-30 18:13:4153m06s of 53m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1942-10.64
369762013-06-30 17:18:2311m36s of 11m46s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1941-0.16
369752013-06-30 17:04:1611m35s of 11m48s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #19400.16
369742013-06-30 16:48:5409m31s of 10m15s (93%)BShips CF Shuffle #19390.02
369712013-06-30 14:57:5123m11s of 23m30s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #193618.75
369442013-06-29 18:14:1661m36s of 61m36s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #191045.73
369362013-06-29 13:15:1266m20s of 66m46s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1901-17.16
369352013-06-29 12:03:4805m42s of 05m45s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #19000.00
369152013-06-28 18:16:1561m32s of 61m53s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #188042.65
369102013-06-28 13:23:2855m55s of 56m20s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1875-12.47
369092013-06-28 11:45:2027m47s of 28m13s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #1874-9.50
368972013-06-27 21:47:5211m14s of 11m18s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1863-0.16
368952013-06-27 21:28:4704m24s of 04m44s (93%)BShips CF Shuffle #18620.02
368872013-06-27 17:30:5774m11s of 74m11s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1851124.95
368852013-06-27 16:45:5828m37s of 64m32s (44%)BShips CF Shuffle #1850-47.73
368642013-06-26 23:04:5229m12s of 29m12s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #183038.77
368622013-06-26 22:20:3428m30s of 28m34s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1828-20.23
368552013-06-26 17:43:5557m18s of 57m44s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1820-4.66
368502013-06-26 14:23:4666m12s of 66m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #181541.20
368392013-06-26 01:47:0871m16s of 71m41s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1804-46.07
368202013-06-25 17:24:2968m44s of 68m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #178448.91
368132013-06-25 13:22:2136m11s of 36m15s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #177868.77
368062013-06-25 05:09:4154m15s of 54m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #177155.41
367992013-06-24 23:03:4530m24s of 30m46s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #17650.23
367892013-06-24 19:00:5718m50s of 35m59s (52%)BShips CF Shuffle #17540.46
367872013-06-24 18:22:4721m54s of 22m20s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #1753-8.62
367572013-06-23 20:12:1843m46s of 44m06s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1722-7.04
367452013-06-23 14:58:0661m10s of 61m25s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1710-24.62
367342013-06-23 08:06:1561m45s of 67m36s (91%)BShips CF Shuffle #1699-49.80
367042013-06-22 16:00:1033m08s of 33m11s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1668-19.62
366962013-06-22 13:36:4352m27s of 52m32s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1661-8.16
366912013-06-22 05:14:5797m25s of 97m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1656-6.58
366812013-06-21 21:38:1925m28s of 25m52s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #164649.05
366712013-06-21 17:21:3483m14s of 83m40s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #163441.94
366672013-06-21 15:54:1902m22s of 02m27s (97%)BShips CF Shuffle #16330.00
366572013-06-21 06:34:1966m29s of 66m35s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1622-21.97
366502013-06-20 22:28:2413m15s of 13m15s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1615-16.90
366332013-06-20 17:40:0249m11s of 49m11s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #159824.67
366312013-06-20 16:27:3328m47s of 28m53s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1597-6.80
365962013-06-19 17:13:4454m39s of 54m52s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #156128.50
365902013-06-19 12:54:1747m39s of 47m44s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1555-67.72
365772013-06-18 23:22:1444m35s of 44m36s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #154342.48
365632013-06-18 17:06:4114m35s of 14m55s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #1529-8.40
365532013-06-18 05:49:4553m42s of 53m48s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1518-42.66
365452013-06-17 22:58:3052m19s of 52m40s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #151129.34
365282013-06-17 18:31:4745m26s of 45m31s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1494-17.84
365262013-06-17 17:44:0402m59s of 03m45s (80%)BShips CF Shuffle #14930.01
365142013-06-17 00:09:2724m46s of 25m05s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #147950.48
365122013-06-16 23:41:5806m25s of 07m05s (91%)BShips CF Shuffle #14780.01
365042013-06-16 19:50:5672m46s of 72m46s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1468-10.16
364952013-06-16 14:32:5672m55s of 72m55s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1460-26.37
364742013-06-15 18:30:5294m49s of 95m10s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1439117.97
364682013-06-15 13:48:5861m33s of 61m59s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1434-24.39
364672013-06-15 12:29:4035m24s of 35m42s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1432-6.00
364552013-06-15 00:18:5987m28s of 87m28s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1419-11.85
364332013-06-14 13:41:4945m35s of 45m42s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1398-7.79
364212013-06-13 23:47:4978m29s of 81m33s (96%)BShips CF Shuffle #1385-41.74
364092013-06-13 19:13:4091m49s of 92m32s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1373-11.16
363952013-06-13 13:35:0038m05s of 38m30s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1360-15.55
363852013-06-12 22:50:2957m46s of 58m13s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1350-39.97
363682013-06-12 16:26:3729m02s of 29m02s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1333-16.26
363532013-06-11 23:01:0476m50s of 77m00s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #131625.42
363402013-06-11 18:15:0089m06s of 89m08s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1303-13.75
363212013-06-10 21:43:4134m56s of 35m02s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1284-46.21
363112013-06-10 17:43:4833m46s of 33m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1274-11.50
363032013-06-10 04:52:5525m30s of 62m30s (41%)BShips CF Shuffle #1266-55.60
362812013-06-09 18:01:1461m27s of 61m27s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #124571.38
362702013-06-09 12:07:4078m30s of 78m47s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1232-14.63
362642013-06-09 05:12:0724m38s of 47m49s (52%)BShips CF Shuffle #1227-26.18
362622013-06-09 01:30:4555m08s of 55m24s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #122551.86
362612013-06-09 00:33:1706m48s of 62m17s (11%)BShips CF Shuffle #1224-22.60
362492013-06-08 18:38:4657m05s of 57m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1212-27.49
362392013-06-08 13:38:3061m20s of 61m34s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1202-31.58
362052013-06-07 12:57:0371m16s of 71m16s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1168-12.80
361942013-06-06 23:14:2911m21s of 51m02s (22%)BShips CF Shuffle #1158-93.29
361772013-06-06 17:29:2017m08s of 17m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #11410.43
361762013-06-06 17:01:1030m21s of 30m21s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #113926.73
361712013-06-06 13:54:4120m33s of 20m59s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #1134-21.65
361482013-06-05 18:31:1684m37s of 84m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1110-16.35
361382013-06-05 12:16:4749m35s of 49m41s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #110134.91
361302013-06-04 23:34:1427m24s of 27m37s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #109347.73
361132013-06-04 17:59:0660m22s of 60m47s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #107590.17
361052013-06-04 04:46:2795m28s of 95m28s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #106887.91
360952013-06-03 22:37:4848m29s of 48m48s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1058-6.43
360832013-06-03 18:27:5059m28s of 59m39s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1046-22.21
360742013-06-03 13:38:5981m49s of 82m00s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #1037-26.93
360702013-06-03 05:26:2064m06s of 64m30s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #103319.58
360602013-06-02 22:52:0063m58s of 64m19s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1024-5.35
360532013-06-02 18:59:5933m23s of 33m34s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #1017128.68
360462013-06-02 15:40:4757m03s of 57m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #100968.40
360242013-06-01 18:13:0033m30s of 33m41s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #987-9.06
360232013-06-01 17:36:3512m23s of 12m36s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #986-10.97
360142013-06-01 13:26:0546m36s of 47m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #976-27.70
360122013-06-01 12:37:1238m33s of 38m59s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #975-23.38
360102013-06-01 11:55:4003m44s of 03m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #974-26.05
360012013-06-01 00:43:5950m52s of 51m50s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #9640.78
359862013-05-31 17:44:0720m39s of 35m51s (58%)BShips CF Shuffle #949-86.58
359752013-05-31 00:18:5595m38s of 95m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #937-21.70
359552013-05-30 17:19:2462m34s of 63m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #91875.88
359452013-05-29 23:46:2457m33s of 57m39s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #908-9.10
359432013-05-29 22:43:4403m23s of 03m29s (97%)BShips CF Shuffle #907-9.65
359332013-05-29 18:27:2280m27s of 81m14s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #8941.60
359192013-05-28 23:25:0250m14s of 50m14s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #88255.87
359002013-05-28 17:19:5224m45s of 24m52s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #864-14.24
358992013-05-28 16:43:5006m31s of 07m16s (90%)BShips CF Shuffle #8630.16
358612013-05-27 14:42:0135m55s of 53m06s (68%)BShips CF Shuffle #825-44.49
358602013-05-27 13:35:4129m40s of 29m48s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #82323.49
358512013-05-26 23:25:2552m58s of 52m59s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #814-17.40
358362013-05-26 16:57:1682m47s of 83m00s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #799-16.73
358272013-05-26 13:22:3818m53s of 45m45s (41%)BShips CF Shuffle #790-39.72
358182013-05-26 05:38:4939m16s of 39m41s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #781-23.02
358112013-05-25 22:22:1332m41s of 32m49s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #774-13.12
358092013-05-25 21:46:5706m25s of 06m31s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #7730.01
357952013-05-25 15:06:3360m52s of 61m15s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #75637.32
357902013-05-25 13:35:5147m32s of 47m58s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #753-20.16
357612013-05-24 17:16:0136m51s of 36m52s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #724-17.25
357512013-05-24 12:04:1064m27s of 64m53s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #71423.23
357462013-05-24 04:18:5136m06s of 59m23s (61%)BShips CF Shuffle #7094.30
357392013-05-23 22:42:2446m36s of 46m44s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #701-16.56
357252013-05-23 17:40:3566m14s of 66m14s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #68824.93
357142013-05-23 13:11:1823m46s of 23m54s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #677-8.68
357072013-05-23 00:37:0960m01s of 60m05s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #67054.01
356852013-05-22 17:16:3436m51s of 37m16s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #64899.93
356792013-05-22 14:02:0035m42s of 36m06s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #642-9.59
356772013-05-22 12:44:0829m46s of 29m46s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #641-20.20
356712013-05-21 23:25:5157m11s of 57m36s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #633-11.44
356602013-05-21 18:17:5460m03s of 60m04s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #623-16.59
356542013-05-21 13:39:5776m59s of 77m24s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #617-33.90
356482013-05-21 01:09:2457m26s of 57m26s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #61134.29
356342013-05-20 18:07:3239m26s of 39m26s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #597-17.34
356262013-05-20 14:19:1041m27s of 41m36s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #58975.76
356242013-05-20 13:16:2123m47s of 24m05s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #587-14.00
355922013-05-19 19:06:0764m53s of 64m57s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #55378.24
355882013-05-19 17:59:1434m22s of 34m40s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #552-11.13
355772013-05-19 14:07:1472m36s of 73m00s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #539-27.93
355582013-05-18 20:17:0853m31s of 53m56s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #52153.95
355482013-05-18 16:25:2771m34s of 71m59s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #511-11.12
355462013-05-18 15:06:2367m44s of 67m46s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #50912.01
355172013-05-17 18:33:4827m26s of 27m51s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #480-8.83
355162013-05-17 18:03:5439m34s of 39m39s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #479-16.60
354972013-05-17 05:25:5483m56s of 84m21s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #46042.02
354962013-05-17 01:26:2082m03s of 82m24s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #459-8.05
354932013-05-16 22:46:1128m25s of 28m51s (98%)BShips CF Shuffle #454-64.57
354812013-05-16 18:25:0953m05s of 53m05s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #444101.42
354762013-05-16 14:25:1745m26s of 45m42s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #43953.86
354752013-05-16 13:37:5407m47s of 29m01s (27%)BShips CF Shuffle #438-31.64
354742013-05-16 12:38:5109m39s of 53m23s (18%)BShips CF Shuffle #437-83.83
354672013-05-15 22:35:3581m04s of 83m16s (97%)BShips CF Shuffle #429-60.55
354592013-05-15 18:12:1589m15s of 89m22s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #421-29.84
354542013-05-15 14:17:3960m37s of 60m59s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #417-10.12
354462013-05-15 00:11:2262m39s of 63m01s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #40934.47
354442013-05-14 22:55:1333m57s of 34m23s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #407-12.21
354272013-05-14 16:42:4232m35s of 32m41s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #390-12.04
354222013-05-14 12:43:2347m24s of 47m26s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #385-17.87
354212013-05-14 11:53:5055m25s of 55m52s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #384-21.34
354202013-05-14 02:17:1411m59s of 11m59s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #3830.00
354132013-05-13 22:24:0831m38s of 31m46s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #376-14.41
354112013-05-13 21:39:5721m20s of 21m24s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #374-1.18
354012013-05-13 17:46:0565m47s of 65m47s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #364-19.22
353962013-05-13 14:06:1361m47s of 61m47s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #359-20.99
353902013-05-12 23:10:1767m24s of 67m42s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #353-6.81
353732013-05-12 15:54:2681m44s of 82m03s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #334-12.19
353682013-05-12 14:31:4481m23s of 96m09s (85%)BShips CF Shuffle #330-61.54
353472013-05-11 22:42:5334m48s of 68m51s (51%)BShips CF Shuffle #308-81.51
353362013-05-11 19:09:2473m25s of 73m50s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #299-29.25
353202013-05-11 08:51:0644m04s of 44m08s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #283-18.86
353192013-05-11 07:46:5433m44s of 34m10s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #282-24.33
353132013-05-10 23:43:1265m33s of 65m45s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #275-21.37
352992013-05-10 18:04:1859m12s of 59m35s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #2623.18
352972013-05-10 17:01:3504m36s of 05m17s (87%)BShips CF Shuffle #2610.01
352912013-05-10 12:19:0658m06s of 58m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #25454.91
352732013-05-09 20:09:2736m06s of 36m06s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #23626.82
352672013-05-09 17:45:1871m08s of 71m28s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #23050.32
352562013-05-09 04:22:4343m50s of 43m50s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #219-18.42
352552013-05-09 03:34:1900m19s of 00m19s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #2180.00
352482013-05-08 23:30:0290m19s of 90m36s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #21049.79
352412013-05-08 18:30:5937m38s of 37m50s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #204-23.06
352402013-05-08 17:31:2652m49s of 53m05s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #203-73.17
352252013-05-07 23:18:1634m44s of 34m59s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #188-20.18
352012013-05-07 13:16:4350m12s of 50m13s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #164-32.89
351962013-05-07 08:25:5339m07s of 39m32s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #15943.43
351912013-05-06 23:19:2318m20s of 18m29s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #155-16.91
351842013-05-06 20:39:3348m03s of 48m11s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #14738.39
351772013-05-06 18:02:0734m26s of 43m40s (79%)BShips CF Shuffle #139-58.72
351732013-05-06 17:05:0727m46s of 27m56s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #137-13.85
351602013-05-06 05:39:0850m12s of 50m20s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #12366.20
351492013-05-05 20:35:0655m27s of 55m40s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #11141.87
351312013-05-05 15:00:2668m31s of 68m38s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #9360.16
351282013-05-05 13:46:5936m44s of 37m10s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #91-19.87
351082013-05-04 18:59:3741m14s of 41m20s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #7132.60
351072013-05-04 18:10:3524m58s of 24m58s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #7050.88
350972013-05-04 13:41:5083m58s of 84m17s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #6036.46
350952013-05-04 12:05:5758m01s of 58m37s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #58-48.34
350872013-05-04 00:56:0930m33s of 30m43s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #5053.36
350812013-05-03 22:12:1969m16s of 71m25s (97%)BShips CF Shuffle #44-15.26
350732013-05-03 17:40:1307m40s of 07m45s (99%)BShips CF Shuffle #37-1.49
350662013-05-03 13:45:0783m23s of 83m23s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #29-24.75
350612013-05-03 04:29:3957m02s of 61m02s (93%)BShips CF Shuffle #24-93.87
350562013-05-02 23:34:1327m51s of 27m54s (100%)BShips CF Shuffle #190.50
Players in the IP-cluster of this player: volstar (useast.battle.net),